Thursday 19 March 2015

Colorful Easter Decorations Ideas For Good Housekeeping

The best part of Easter at the home is the egg hunting. I might have more fun with that than the kids!  I really enjoy decorating best home for this time of the year but I like uncomplicated and easy Easter decorating ideas. I’m not sure about you, but I invest so much time and effort to decorate best home during Christmas that I don’t want to spend too much time and money with Easter decorations.

Like any kind of decor, I like to buy reusable things so I can collect them over the years. I also like to mix the reusable pieces with fresh flowers and plants to add more color and a more natural feel to the decor.Take a look at these Easter Decorating Ideas. You’ll see that most of them are easy to do and they really won’t take much of your time.                              

Egg Candles Besides being the main Easter motive, eggs can also be used as a means of illumination. Cute egg shaped candles in pastel colors will look great both as a part of an Easter table centerpiece or as an independent decoration item. Besides just being lovely, these candles look delicate and even romantic decorations.

Easter Egg Vase We just can’t imagine Easter without beautiful spring flowers and you should surely have them on your dinner table. If so, why not have flowers in an egg-shaped vase? Such a vase is practical and can be used throughout the year both to keep flowers in it, and to decorate your mantel, coffee table, or shelves.

Bunny And Bunny Ears Bunny makes a house livelier, even ears of the creature are good decoration ideas. You can place it on the mantelpiece, on the door, dining tables, wardrobe, and cloth hangers. Bunny ears can be put up at various places. Use ears of different sizes and colors. This adds variety to decoration. You can put bunny ears on other animal goodies as well.

Having a table centerpiece makes every meal special. One of the favorite ideas that can be used for many party occasions is a wheat grass centerpiece. Add different details to make your table centerpiece beautiful and appropriate for this or that occasion. As to Easter, chocolate bunnies, eggs (both egg shells and wooden ones will do), real and silk flowers, paper carrots, sweets and even small candles can be used for decoration. Note that wheat seeds take about ten days to sprout.

Flowers and eggs wraths decorating your friends’ doors before so to avoid copying their last season’s ideas create this unique spring door decoration by putting flowers and blown out painted eggs in an umbrella. This beautiful flower “vase” doesn’t need any additional investments but your creativity. Take an old umbrella, real or silk flowers, a ribbon, several blown out eggs, paper egg nests, and just arrange them according to your taste.

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